2010年9月26日 星期日

9/25 來去瘋二百

第二次的瘋200,這次的路程是由 中壢出發,爬仙山到獅潭來回,總長208km。

原本打算輕輕鬆騎的,結果一上車就停不下來,不過按照我原本設定的策略,平路心跳不過160BPM,山路不過 170BPM,從最後慢慢出發到在仙山接近頂時,最後追到第一位,也就是下面的這個車友!

再從獅潭回來,才是考驗,不過也沒多難騎啦!順順騎,不拼命,再抖也不擔心,這就是長途的騎法,接下來就一路騎回中壢!到了關西,真的沒啥體力了!因為頂風頂的太久了(接近 80KM),最後一段就交給年輕人來帶了。(因為我進市區就會迷路)在 2點 55分左右回到中正公園出發點。


幾個感想:1.長程能力跟訓練還是不夠,今天破風了一整天, 最後還是感覺到快沒力了!

3.超人今天的表現很勇猛(不知是不是因為我) (blush)


5.edge 的小彎把,還是不夠小,如果要高踩踏,握下把蠻辛苦的,今天大多是上把居多!
6.補給上,帶有 四包羊羹 六包 powergel,只留下一包 powergel 回來,基本上是半小時補一次,不過太甜了,下次要再加帶powe bar 及餅干
9.心跳基本上設定在平路不超過160,山路不超過170,不過 LT,再來就是考驗最近FTP POWER 訓練的成果

2010年9月13日 星期一


昨天看到一篇文章,談到身體的柔軟度及伸展運動對於運動的表現並沒有正相關。跟自行車有關的僅有POSITION 的問題,特別是 AERO POSITION。

熱身的方式有很多,在運動中心也有很多的海報可以參考,以我個人而言,是以由上而下,由關節到肌肉的方式進行。也就是先進行旋轉運動,從頸部、肩 膀、腰部、膝關節、踝關節+腕關節,進行正向及反向的旋轉,可做四個或二個八拍。再來進行由上而下的肌肉拉伸,頭向上下左右、上臂上拉及側拉、引身向上及 左右拉伸、腰部向下伸展及腳交叉向下伸展、高壓腿、低壓腿及弓箭步,然後進行輕鬆跳躍! 以上是我在中心外面做的熱身,當進入中心後,伸展機的 8個動作及伸展墊上再做幾個針對腰部肌肉的動作才開始今天的重量訓練。



Have a great ride! YOYO

2010年9月12日 星期日


這是一個很好的問題,也是在自行車運動科學中時常被問到的問題。我鼓勵所有的騎自行車者,不論是男性還是女性,進行 20-30分鐘的力量訓練,每週 2-3次,全年無休。美國大學運動醫學會支持 重量訓練是良好的例行性運動的一種。自然老化的過程會導致肌肉大小及強度的減少,然而重量訓練被証明可以減緩甚至可以扭轉這個結果。不僅會提高你的比賽成績,而且它也有積極的健康的好處。

在表現的部份,重量訓練將會增加肌肉的質量,這將會允許你在自行車上產生更大的力量, 定期的重量訓練同時延緩肌肉疲勞的產生特別是在較長的自行車比賽,從而提高你的表現。身體的代謝率將會減緩,就如同減少肌肉質量的結果。肌肉相較於體內的其他組織而言,有更強的新陳代謝能力,所以肌肉量越多,會燃燒更多的熱量,有助於維持理想的體重。

在健康方面,重量訓練被証明可以增加骨頭的密度,這是非常重要的效果,因為自行車運動是一種非負重運動,因而導致早期骨質密度降低/骨質疏鬆症。 我們已經看到了骨質密度降低甚至發生在年輕的優秀男子自行車選手身上。

當 進行 重量訓練練習,你要確保他們是特定於您的運動。 騎單車者應主要側重於下肢。 但是,我們不應完全忽略了上肢的。 對於下肢,蹲,弓步,蹬腿,腿部伸展,腿部捲髮,髖關節內收/外展運動是至關重要的。 對於上肢,臥推,頭頂肩,二頭肌捲曲,三頭肌的延伸,拉起伏,行有益的自行車選手。然常常忽視,核心/腹部/腰背加強也是有效防止或盡量減少腰背痛可能出現的情況。

對於每一個的重量訓練練習中,您要使用的重量是“挑戰”足夠 10-15次重複。 這意味著肌肉應該感到疲倦後執行重複。 每個練習二至三組就足夠了。

重量訓練的量在整個賽季會有所不同。 早在你的基礎建設階段,你應該到的健身房一個星期3天。 隨著季節的推移,你會花更多時間在自行車上,但仍應試圖去健身房至少一個星期兩天。



Have a good ride !  YOYO

2010年9月10日 星期五

Tri Training Tip: Recovery Secrets From The Professionals


Tri Training Tip: Recovery Secrets From The Professionals

by Training

Get recovery tips from some of the top endurance athletes and coaches in the world.
Written by: Nathan Koch, PT, ATC
No matter which sport a serious athlete is involved in, proper recovery plays a critical part in optimizing performance. It is widely accepted that some form of muscle recovery following hard efforts and intense competition is crucial to allowing the athlete to function on the highest level day in and day out. Lack of proper recovery has been linked to injuries, “dead legs” and fatigue. While there is some research available on different recovery methods, more research is needed. Without a strong consensus for the optimal recovery method, I asked some friends/athletes/experts to share what tricks they utilize for recovery. How do they keep their legs pain and injury-free after repeated days, weeks and months of pounding and stress? Here are a few secrets from some friends who know a little something about training.

Sarah Hammer

Three-time world champion and USA record holder in track cycling
1. Massage with a foam roller to work quads, glutes, hamstrings, ITB and calves.
2. Zoot Compression clothing after training and while traveling, especially overseas travel.
3. Easy 30- to 60-minute recovery rides, also called “active recovery.”

Chris Baldwin

Professional road cyclist for United Health Care and two-time USPRO Time Trail Champion
1. Recovery shake, a Muscle Milk/CytoCarb mix.
2. Stretching and a foam roller massage, targeting the spine, hips, quads and calves.
3. Post-ride nap, approximately 60 minutes of “forced relaxing” time.

Krissy Moehl

Ultrarunner, the second female at 2009 Western States, placed as the first female and holds the course record for the Hardrock 100
1. Drink First Endurance Ultragen, a recovery drink that I use after any run longer than 90 minutes in duration. I feel I am able to get back out for another run sooner and feeling better by hitting that key 30-minute window.
2. My daily supplements are Magma Plus, a green foods supplement, and Udo’s Oil, a balanced serving of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids through plant-sourced oil.
3. Wear Skins compression tights for traveling home. I’ll wear them for three days straight (except to shower) to help reduce swelling.

Samantha McGlone

McGlone (pictured here with fellow pro Luke Bell) lists Zoot compression wear as one of her top picks for recovery. Photo: John Segesta
McGlone (pictured here with fellow pro Luke Bell) lists Zoot compression wear as one of her top picks for recovery. Photo: John Segesta
Professional triathlete, 2004 Olympian and Ironman 70.3 world champion
1. Zoot Compression recovery tights and socks, worn after hard workouts and while traveling.
2. Normatec-MVP compression legs, which is a pneumatic compression device. Multi-segment inflatable boots are placed around the legs and rhythmically inflated and deflated to carefully prescribed pressures that mimic normal physiology.
3. Ice baths, which are simple, cheap and effective, especially when you have friends willing to haul 100-pound ice bags up the steps for you.

Dave Hancock

Director of Training and Conditioning for the New York Knicks and former physiotherapist for Manchester United
1. Ice bath with 10 minutes of cold immersion waist down. A lot of the latest research shows that 10 minutes is the best time, and that pure cold is more advantageous for muscle recovery than combination hot and cold contrast baths.
2. Compression skins to use on post-game flights. If the skins don’t work, we give our players specifically made-to-measure recovery socks which are graded like ted stockings you wear after surgery. These have shown to have a great effect on increasing venous return and thus flush the oxidative chemicals left post-exercise. The company we use for these is a British company called Evexar, which tested its compression socks at University College London.
3. Bike flush for 15 minutes followed by a 15-minute “flush” massage, especially calves, and then ice immersion again 24 hours after a game.

Joe Friel

Author of the best-selling “The Triathlete’s Training Bible” book series, USA Triathlon and USA Cycling elite-level coach, former chairman of the USA Triathlon National Coaching Commission
1. Carbohydrate within 30 minutes post-workout if it was a high-stress, meaning long and/or intense, session. Consume in liquid form mostly. Drink and eat until feeling satisfied.
2. Compression socks if you can’t elevate legs for several minutes after a hard session.
3. Self-massage the legs, working fluids toward the heart.

Ruvell Martin

NFL wide receiver for the Seattle Seahawks
1. Ice bath after every game and after a hard workout or practice.
2. Deep tissue massage from a massage therapist.
3. Daily supplements for recovery, including a breakfast, lunch and dinner packet of different supplements in the form of pills as well as a night-time packet of pills and an amino acid shake before and after workouts, and a protein shake after workouts.

Levi Leipheimer

Professional road cyclist for Team Radio Shack, has won the Tour of California the last three years and has placed third overall in the Tour De France
1. Massage utilizing the foam roller to target glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves.
2. The Massage Stick, which is easy to travel with and is used to focus on ITB, quads and calves.
3. Normatec MVP compression legs.
Although I am not sure the athletes shared their most secret recovery techniques, they are utilizing some methods that we amateur athletes can add to our training programs.

Read more: http://competitor.com/2010/08/sports/triathlon/tri-training-tip-recovery-secrets-from-the-professionals_6328#ixzz0z5BH7oS2


2010年9月5日 星期日


星期天按排了十分、雙溪、九份再走106回來,一樣參加的人四個,由於昨天的疲勞尚未排除,所以仍是累到爆,但仍依照設定的強度進行。里程數 110K。

