2010年1月30日 星期六

Tacx Bushido & power tap

好朋友借了台 Tacx Bushido 訓練台,讓我體驗一下自動升降阻尼的感受。今天天氣大好,卻因身體因素在家悶了一天,家庭聚餐後設定好今天的訓練程試,就上訓練台熱血一下。
沒有人像我這樣爽的吧!一台車上可以同時上power tap 跟 tacx 最高級的訓練台。先來幾張架上車的照片吧!

tacx bushido 的超大螢幕顯示器跟 power tap 小黃表





介紹完硬體,來試試內建的訓練程式:hill repeatsa (爬坡訓練)



按start training 後,開始到數,就開始了這個訓練程式,22.6 km 的爬坡訓練。



今天使用過後的感覺相當驚訝,22.8km 的爬坡訓練竟然能夠讓我的最大心跳到 187bpm,我平常用的是固定阻尼的訓練台,在固定的阻尼下,強度也相對的自我限制,很少有這麼高強度的訓練。它還有電腦軟體以及訓練路線可以加購,我也放進了NB裏了,內容有點多,過兩天再來分享。

以下為今天的訓練心得:資料取自 power tap (power agent)

今天安排的訓練程式為坡度及里程,全長22.8km,5個坡,沒有時間限制就看你自已的本事如何?同時安裝了 powertap接收資料,以power watts 部份來說,相差在10%以內,tacx 較快樂。

Distance:22.98 KM
Max/Avg SPEED:42.72/31.94KMH
Max/Avg Heart Rate:185/166BPM
Max/Avg:297/196 Watt
RPE :Hard Riding

2010年1月28日 星期四

貓空測試 powetap



Distance :3.42km
Duration :12:53
Avg Speed 15.92 kmh
Avg Cadence : 74 rpm
Avg Heart Rate :171 bpm
Avg Power: 268watts
Avg Power (watts/kg) :4.46 watts/kg

2.若到明德宮 時間為:13:54
3.開始進入fitting 微調時期,今天騎完後,到小邱那,將右腳底板向前調 2mm,想要二腳有想同的感受。

2010年1月24日 星期日


謝謝 JAY 的費心主辦,一早起來原本想說下雨,就來去吃吃地瓜,聊聊天就可以回家。

一到現場,看到大家的熱情,就換裝上場了,沒帶手套,沒帶水,不過只有短短的幾公里,熱血一下就 OK 了。

今天騎的是 BF PRP,忠億的戰力實在太強,才過隧道就被拉開了,一直維持300M以上,很難再拉近。就這樣順利進了106乙的終點。

昨天晚上才進行了 POWER TAP 的測試,今天的雙腿十分安份,回到家才知道乳酸堆積如山。




2010年1月17日 星期日



















2010年1月16日 星期六

Winter Bike Training

原來一個小時的訓練台 LSD是不足以燃燒脂肪跟建立耐力的,下次調整一下,延伸到2小時,再進而進到3小時。

Winter Bike Training
Building endurance on the bike with long, steady distance and improving economy with indoor bicycle training.

by John Hughes

John Hughes, director of the UMCA, is a certified as a USCF cycling coach and a National Strength and Conditioning Association personal trainer.

At the end of the summer my friend "Bill" e-mailed me:

Bill: "After yet another disappointing season on the bike, I think maybe I need to go back to square one and start over training. I've probably never built a sufficient base.

"I have a couple of questions, if you could help me out. How long do I have to ride to get some training effect? Is one hour on the CompuTrainer® a waste of time? Would two 3-hour rides be more beneficial than three 2-hour rides on the bike?

"Should I expect some HR upward drift as the workout continues?"

I responded: "Long slow distance training has several effects. At a moderate heart rate you are burning more fat and less carbs. The benefit is not to make you thinner. Rather, fat is metabolized in the mitochondria (carbs are metabolized elsewhere in the cells). Because you are burning more fat your body will increase the mitochondrial density, allowing more blood flow to the muscles.

"To achieve this you need to go for relatively long, relatively easy rides. As Chris Kostman pointed out in his article Doing the Double: Five Mistakes to Avoid: "LSD doesn't stand for long slow distance, it stands for long, steady distance."

"Steady is the key. Start with three 2-hour rides and, as your body adapts, change the stimulus to two 3-hour rides.

"A second benefit is to increase pedaling economy. Partly this is developing better form, a rounder stroke, and partly this is increasing neuromuscular efficiency, improving the firing pattern of the nerves to the muscles.

"One hour trainer rides aren't long enough to improve the metabolism of fat and thus the mitochondrial density, but you can improve your pedaling economy.

"Finally, yes, you should experience some cardiovascular drift during long rides. Your heart-rate will go up even if you are just maintaining the same power output."

Bill: "Regarding the LSD. Not surprised by your longer is better, or that one hour is too short. I have been speaking to a coach, who claimed there is significant benefit to even a one-hour workout. I believe I understand the fat burning stuff. Essentially you are trying to ride at a pace that allows your body to burn a high percentage of fat. Then, over time with the LSD you will develop more power at that same percentage of fat burning. This should lead to riding faster and longer, at a pace your body can handle.

John: "Fat burning happens in a different part of the cell and uses different enzymes than burning carbs. So, you want to stress (overload) this energy system by doing progressively longer rides, which increases the enzymes, blood flow, etc.

"During long rides we inevitably slow down and start using our fat burning system - and if you haven't trained it, then you can't ride as well on this fuel source. So, you are building more endurance, not more power with LSD training.

"Power is the result of harder, shorter workouts - and, yes, a one-hour workout on the C/T can help with this. It's a mile down the dirt road to my paper and mailbox. When I'm pressed for time, I ride my MTB down and back. It's 20 minutes to get back up and that's a real power workout but won't doesn't do diddly for my endurance."

Bill: "Well, maybe I used the wrong language. If I just rode the CompuTrainer® at a given wattage for several months wouldn't the building of endurance allow me, over time, to push a higher wattage for a given HR?"

John: "If you rode the C/T at a wattage equivalent to approximately 75% of your lactate threshold for months, you wouldn't increase your power. What you would do is increase the time you could ride at that level of exertion. At relatively low levels of exertion, all you're working are the slow-twitch muscles.

"To build power, you also need to overload the fast-twitch muscles, which only start working when you are going pretty hard . . . and overload the heart so that you increase the stroke volume to deliver more blood to those working muscles . . . and overload the lactate system so your body can clear lactate more efficiently so you don't go anaerobic.

"That's why, if all you ever do is LSD, you'll only be a slow rider.

"My training system has three phases:

  • Base: building endurance to go long (slowly)
  • Intensity: building power to go fast/hard (for short distances)
  • Peak: developing cruising speed for events - faster than your LSD rides, but not as fast as intensity rides "To improve you need to build your endurance, and then change the overload to build power, etc.

Bill: "I understand, I think, what you are saying. But I've also read that runners and cyclists do too much intensity and that you can improve over time with just LSD training."

John: "Yes, people do too much hard riding and not enough steady distance. And yes, you can get marginal increases in speed with just LSD, but that is attributable to improved economy and efficiency. You're running with less wasted motion, riding with a rounder stroke, etc. It doesn't have much to do with increased cardio-vascular output nor increased muscle power.

"The training model that most coaches use is: overload + recovery --> improvement. The more specific the overload, the more improvement in that particular aspect.

"After a while LSD isn't overloading your body, unless you keep ramping up the volume. And, you are still only overloading the slow twitch muscles and the beta oxidative (fat burning) energy system.

"That's part of the package, but not all of it: you also need to overload the aerobic oxidative energy system (carb burning), which allows you to cruise at a fairly brisk pace without going anaerobic. Finally, you need to stress the anaerobic energy system (carb burning without enough oxygen) by engaging the fast twitch muscles."

Bill: "Really appreciate your input on this subject. So what should I do this winter so I have a better season in 2006?"

John: "Well, start with those push-aways when dessert is served at the dinner <>.

"Go back to your first questions: Is one hour on the CompuTrainer® a waste of time? Would two 3-hour rides be more beneficial than three 2-hour rides?

"I'd say start with four rides a week on the C/T. Try for a couple of 90-minute rides at a steady pace. You should be working, but not breathing hard.

"And then do a couple of 30 minute rides just working on technique. Here are some suggestions:

"Pedal concentrating on four parts of the stroke:

More Information

UltraCycling Magazine
Authoritative information for endurance cyclists. Each issue contains articles by experts on:
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  • rider profiles
  • race results
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  • Top: Apply power, imagining that you are pushing your knee forward toward the handlebars.
  • Front: Apply power downward.
  • Bottom: Apply power backward, with your foot pointed slightly downward. Imagine that you are scraping your toes across the floor.
  • Back: Lift your leg so that your other leg doesn't need to push it up. Studies of pro cyclists have shown they don't really pull up, they just un-weight the leg.

"Since you have a CompuTrainer®, you can use the SpinScan® setting while doing the drills. Try to pedal so that both legs are putting out the same amount of power, and try to increase the smoothness of the power output around the stroke.

"One-legged pedaling is the best way to improve your stroke. Unclip your right foot and rest it on a stool, box, etc. Pedal at 50-60 rpms with the left leg for 30 to 60 seconds. Then pedal with both legs for a minute to recover (don't bother to clip in). Pedal again for 30 to 60 seconds with the left leg, and then with both legs to recover. Repeat the sequence three to six times and then switch legs.

"Another good drill is spin-ups, which should be done in a low gear; your heart-rate shouldn't rise too much. Start at about 80 rpms. Every minute, increase the cadence by 10 rpms. When you get to your maximum cadence, say 120 or 130 rpms, hold for a minute. Then work back down by 10 rpms per minute.

"Over several months ramp the 90-minute rides up to three hours. These will improve your endurance as we discussed earlier. And, anything over two hours counts in the Indoor Challenge.

"Similarly, extend the length of your drills, for example, increasing the number of sets of one-legged pedaling and/or the duration of the sets.

"And don't forget those 'push-aways' from the dinner table!"

2010年1月14日 星期四

Trainingyoyo 部落格

將個人訓練部份從這個單車客部落格分開,這部份較為私密,好朋友們可以一起來。要進人的朋友需要我的邀請,請給我你的 email。

Blogger 可以同時有 100位作者在一個部落格上發表,如果好朋友想加入個人的訓練文章,也請告訴我,歡迎共同討論。

Trainingyoyo 訓練中心

Areobic power 50 mins -Powertap Training

15 minutes - Warm up (increasing intensity)
5 x (4min high intensity + 2min low intensity)
5 minutes cool down

This program is designed to increase your maximum oxygen consumption. It gives you 20 minutes at veryhigh oxygen consumption, but it is not designed to be ridden to complete exhaustion. Your VO2 max will gainimprovements even at a more comfortable pace. It is, however, still important to push yourself very hardduring the intervals. In the resting periods you should maintain intensity at about 60% of VO2 max.

1.每次間歇設定平均功率 230watts
2.recovery 140watts
3.二分鐘的回復 心跳回覆約下降 20bpm

2010年1月10日 星期日



天氣涼,直接轉頭下山,從烏來開始了今天的 ITT,有車友同行的感覺真不錯,可以跟車拼一下。後來再遇到四季的車友,強度更高,就這樣一前一後的回到了新店。等了車友一下後,聊了一下功率花鼓,各自回家。

回家上載資料到Trainingpeaks WKO+ 結果完全看沒有,連今天的里程數,迴轉速平均,各分段計時時間,全部都不知道,要再研究一下了。


今日里程,38KM 其他不知

2010年1月8日 星期五

The difference between polar powermeter and Power Tap

Someone asks what difference between Polar powermeter and PowerTap?
You can find the difference from the pictures below. Just do it by yourself!

WHEEL: PowerTap Wheel
Duration 1:00:00
Energy Expenditure 609 kcal
Average Heart Rate 143 bpm
Maximum Heart Rate 162 bpm
Standard Deviation 13.7 bpm

Minimum Speed 10.3 km/h
Average Speed 41.4 km/h
Maximum Speed 56.0 km/h
Distance 39.5 km
Odometer 1095 km

Minimum Cadence 52 rpm
Average Cadence 93 rpm
Maximum Cadence 117 rpm

Polar Powermeter:
Minimum Power 107 Watts
Average Power 239 Watts
Maximum Power 468 Watts

PowerTap :
Minimum Power 0 Watts
Average Power 154 Watts
Maximum Power 282 Watts

POWERTAP TEST- Unsuccessful

I can not finish the test, I'll work hard next time.


Peak 5 min 246Watts

2010年1月5日 星期二

2010年禮物- Power Tap SL+ 功率輪組





